My Ethics
I Believe Communities Are The Experts.
We all have something to learn from each other, and my goal is to listen to communities without bias or presumptions. I approach each story with this mindset. I use an asset-framing model during story collection, which focuses on communal strengths and potential opportunities rather than on problems or difficulties and which looks to communities to share their own solutions.
I Believe Consent is an Ongoing Process.
Organisations are responsible for obtaining “deep consent” where contributors are well informed of HOW, WHO and WHAT. How their information will be used, who will have access to their information, and what the personal impacts could be. Consent is an ongoing conversation that allows the right for change at any point in the process. A language barrier is never an excuse to not seek informed consent.
I Believe In People Over Stories.
My approach is to co-create but never to take a story. The care of the storyteller or contributor should always be prioritized over the final product. When we give respect and agency to the storytellers, we are able to co-create impactful and transformative stories. I listen. I guide. But we always create together.